

Bathtub Row Review (BRR) is proud to announce its preliminary publication line-up.

Monday Edition
Every Monday morning, we will be publishing the Monday Edition. The Monday Edition will recap the previous week’s highlights from across the globe, explore a couple of stories from the weekend, and preview what readers should watch for during the week.

By Request
Would you like BRR to dive in on a subject you’ve seen in the news? Gladly. Nothing better than being useful. These will be bespoke pieces, in effect turning BRR into your freelance analyst.

By Invitation
The BRR editorial team knows many brilliant folks and would like to hear from even more of them. Writing under their own name or under pseudonym, this category of publication will be a way for up-and-coming international relations experts to get their thoughts out there.

Over My Shoulder
Process. Nuts and bolts. This very occasional publication will get into some research and writing techniques critical to international relations scholarship and analysis. We invite you to contribute to the conversation!

In and amongst these features will be all kinds of other material: Called Shots, Graphic Depictions, Continuing Irresolutions, et cetera. In time, we hope to build out these stable of publications to further fulfill our mission. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback.

Julian Lark, Executive Editor